Eight Extremities

Eight Extremities

Eight Extremities Talent.gif
This talent focuses on the flexibility of 8 body parts and the art of taijutsu. Explosive power can be achieved under extreme mode, but there will be serious side effects.
This Extreme Talent costs 400 Tokens.
Eight Extremities
IconName TypeDescription[hide]Effect at Lv. 10
Soul Punch.jpgSoul PunchActive - AttackBasics: Concentrates chakra on your palm and punch the target.
Damage: Lv x 708%
CP: Lv x 20%
Cooldown: 6
Eight Extremities.jpgEight ExtremitiesPassiveBasic Combat: Elementary battle training that increases taijutsu damage.Increases attack damage of taijutsu skill type by 20%
Reduce HP deduction from taijutsu skill type by 100%
Eight Extremities Fist.jpgEight Extremities FistActive - AttackBasic Taijutsu: Apply the usage of chakra into taijutsu and give better damage.
Damage: Lv x 1,000%
CP: Lv x 900%
Cooldown: 19
100% chance to reduce target's CP by 40%
Eight Extremities Strengthen.jpgEight Extremities StrengthenPassiveAdvanced Combat: Fully utilize every part of the body.Increases agility by 20%
Increases maximum HP by 10%
Extreme Mode.jpgExtreme ModeActive - BuffExtreme Mode: Develop every part of the body to a superb condition for a short period of time. (Warning: serious side effects)
CP: Lv x 1,450%
Cooldown: 16
Increases attack damage of all taijutsu by 80% (5 turns)
User cannot be healed (5 turns)
Ultimate Dance.jpgUltimate DanceActive - AttackAdvanced Taijutsu: Fatal attack to a target, must be used in Extreme Mode.
Damage: Lv x 1,778%
CP: Lv x 1,000%
Cooldown: 19
Must be in Extreme Mode
90% chance to double CP consumption of target for 3 turns
Eight Extremities Skill Tree.png